Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
i hate defeats.
we lost...
against kaki bukit..
their teamwork is good...
i was all over the place in the game..
was the defensive midfielder and i couldnt define so much of a center..
keep running to the left or the right or end up being a stopper.
and do you know how important it is to warmup?
yes i know.
suffered dramatic cramp on my thighs (both my thigh.) during the last 5 mins of the game.
was turning with the ball while this girl suddenly pop out and both of us ended up with the same pose on the ground due to the slip. and if it is not because of the cramp, i would have got up before her and pump up the ball.
after match took bus home and the duration was around 2 hrs..
yes, 2hrs.
took 156 and as much as i want to sleep in the bus,
i couldnt..
for a moment i thought i'm having fever..
but shld be alright=)
when the bus reach bishan mrt,
there is this auntie who fell in the bus and suffer from some big hu-ha that the bus driver got to stop the whole bus and call back to headquarters and call the ambulance. cause it stops for around 5mins, i could hear those aunties at the backsit complaining about the whole incident and how the driver handle it within efficiency.
then everyone was suppose to align and take the other bus..
i aligned and took 88.
been thinking about the game about life about everything on the buses..
titi my captain say i shld go home and reflect on my game today..
i am off..
to reflect..
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
start of the week!
Monday 20/10/08
reached school around 7.45 to get changed and my hair was already done when i get out of the house. reported to the lecturers at 8 sharp (one second is consider late...) they time.. they do.. cause Mr Goh was carrying a stopwatch if you all observe carefully like me.. So Mr Goh was shouting at us and making sure we understand the meaning of 'being early is being on time, being one time is already late, being late is not acceptable.' he then screamed at the latecomers and i noticed the lamp above him was swaying slighting. that must be what Mr Neo mention about the earthquake in the building. so from 8am-10am we were standing and walking and no sitting. you couldn't stand on only one leg. must be both.
thank you to those who need to get another CDS. we were given 2hrs break. so we went over to business school and i went off to meet Trina and ShuLing. complained about SSM a little here and there. laugh a little and exclaim that much on Kenneth drinking spoilt milk. then went off to find the rest at design but realise they went back already.. so i went back shortly with an empty stomach. couldn't get things down my throat.. was that sick and my stomach was that weird.
everyone reported early after our lunch break. we doesn't want any earthquake you see.. then i think i experience almost 2 blackouts.. but manage to still stand tall. TALL. with the heals, how could i not? so we identified what are the different chinaware, silverware and glassware. learnt how to write a captain's order and then.....
we went out to have some water activities. did i mention the tutorial or practical is not call tutorial or practical? its call 'service boot camp'. a boot camp is like a military camp so basically we undergo training in that old school way.. our outdoor activities was to carry bricks and water bottles on a oval tray or a normal circle tray. normal tray was to find the balance in the arm and the oval tray was to train your strength and balance over the shoulder. i tried carrying 3 bricks (the basic) and realise my back couldn't take the strain. so i cover a distance of 2 steps before i went to the back of the queue to take a break. then because i am getting bored looking at people carry bricks while i slack, i requested for 2 bricks. Mr Goh was seriously wondering why.. cause everyone got to increase their load by the time they go for second round. i decrease. then carrying of water bottles was a little better. cause it is using our wrist. my maximum bottles was 5. so if i am going to serve a table of 6, screw them.
everyone rushed to lecture in business school after that. ssm lecture was somewhere near crap. everything was like from ole-bb and it was mostly about reading up on our own.
then i rushed to IDGD lec in IT sch. basically my day was about rushing to this place and that place. games development seems fun.. it does not involve long long long long codes. its like using the program game maker and the game could be made. Mr Ng was very entertaining so i guess.. my gpa is going up up up this sem?
Tuesday 21/10/08
reached even earlier cause i heard 7.50am is consider on time. TP students get 15mins grace while we got 10mins eaten up. all the girls plus alex was on time while all the boys except alex was late. i would say the 2nd day is better for both ssm and culinary as we were all like warning each other the possible danger we could get ourselves into. so we had a lecture till 10am, then we went to the kitchen for our practical~
we learned how to operate the things in the kitchen and it is way way wayyy bigger and better than the kitchen in Deyi. Chef Desmond demonstrate the different cuts of vegetables and how to make mayonnaise sauce.
lunch break was like horrible. Now i know why engine school's canteen can still remain in the competitive line of FnB despite how much students complain about the food. Cause there is people like us who eat like crazy and didn't bother about the taste of it. and other canteens are just too far to be access within the 20-40 mins of lunch break.
so we have to have that 12 different cuts of vegetables within 1hr. kind of disappointed with myself as i am not able to complete it in time. oh well, practice at home when i am free...
rushed to IDGD in IT after culinary.. it was like crazy.. cause i couldn't find the place and the lesson was 20mins into it already.. oh thanks to the two IT sch students who helped me get their teacher and help me find the place=) thanks thanks many many!!
i created a game call hit the monster. shall post it up someday for all to play. i have to create another one cause i was too lazy to save or send to my mail.. anticipate it ok! its not like viwawa or maple or gunbound or neopets.. its just like.. minesweeper or something even lamer.. haha
Wednesday 22/10/08
Weiyan came over to fetch me at punggol. thanks weiyan=) you are so sweet=)
then we went over to school to have lunch and do dreamweaver. couldn't help much cause dreamweaver has became quite foreign to me now.. so lec was at 4 and it was that entertaining. not the lecture. the lecturer. She is that funny you know.. next time.. i will show you all... hahahaha
afterwhich weiyan drove zhilin shirley and me to TM for our after school activities. shirley to bf hse, zhilin to tutoring emma the money tree, and me? walking around TM to gain some insipiration on the upcoming projects and spying on Lee Wee to make sure they have enough stock for dinner.
Thursday 23/10/08
i got no school!
i am going to complete everything on my to do list. impossible but i will try my best. later there is training i dont think i can make it. going to self train downstairs. why? cause i am SICK. a sick person cant run. if not will die and faint like how linhui did last year during match.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
i want to attend ssm tmr.
i dont want to take MC.
please stop aching.
stomach flu, food poisoning, or whatever you are,
我就像从前的我, 只要是家人的喊骂, 枉怒, 眼泪就像水龙头版,流下.
我什么, 都没有...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
should i bald it?
i love my hair so much that i cant bare to shave it off.
plus i am still quite clear of my sexual orientation.
back to the main purpose of my posting.
i dont have a purpose.
just thought that school is starting and i dont think i will be blogging that much when schedule is so tight down.
so flood a little like how menstruation flood the pad.
i am going insane.
beats me.
i have no idea why i am like that.
oh ya,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Typhoid Jab
( i think 18yrs ago the hospital must be super busy back then...)
ok so went for typhoid jab today with zhilin, yinghui, sherine, seowpeng, keiths, weijian, kelvin and william...
we were at AMK polyclinic and with all the elderly taking their time to see the doctor,
we created loud loud noise and spastic moments i had with zhilin..
shiting told us that she got it on the butt..
so basically we were all worried and i was the first to register so by left and right theory,
i am suppose to be the 1st one to go for the jab..
but it turn out to be william 1st..
but he got to go pay 1st..
so i was next and went in and the nurse was like asking me many questions and she suddenly pop this..
"you are aware this injection. cant pregnant. (look at me with those eyes)"
"ehhh.. (was thinking so i cant get pregnant in this life? no kids?) orhhh..."
then she ask me to sign on the paper which i am suppose to agree that i cant get pregnant, in the next 3 mths..
ok, not funny.
so i got my left arm injected and the nurse is suppose to ask me which hand did i use to write and jab on the other one.
so if i am suppose to write an 1000 word essay tmr,
i think i am that close to converting to be a right-handed..
had pizzahut with the group after injection..
then it was movie with zhilin..
then yea..
with her around,
its always laughter and encountering weird stuff..
off to bed..
got to go down to supplier early in the morning for LRMIG shirt..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
subjects for 2.2
i shall get stress over school stuff first.
next sem there is...
Management Accounting & Finance for Hospitality & Tourism
(wish me luck on that... cause i didnt thought A&F is so in my dip..)
Service Skills Methodology
(i need luck on this too...)
MICE - Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions
(a boring subject which is acceptable... quoted by grace..)
Festivals & Events Management
(no exam =] but with 3-4 projects.. =[ )
Culinary Science
(1st few weeks are used to cut vegetables, and hair must be super short =D )
CDS - might be games and entertainment
(that was what i wanted before getting into LRM.. i just its alright to get that =D )
based on what you see,
my SIP will be hell worse as quoted from grace..
prepare to hear me see me witness me,
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
i miss PLP.

Before game briefing.

The 3 person that make PLP possible.

Friendly match against NTU or police.. and
no. 13, thats yuting.
where am i? the short one beside coach.
Oh i remember why am i laughing! my finger nails were longer than jo's but yet the referee still wanna have a SERIOUS look. something along that line=) i miss you jo!Notice the keeper, Norlin?
she got the same smile as me in this photo =Dsee my eyes? No, you cant.

This is when reality strikes hard and i realise i am short. no, very short. =)
damn damn damn..
i kind of miss PLP.
like that much..
been there through good times and bad times.
It was when my passion was changed into drive and how i wish i could do more for the club..
how nice were those people?
that nice.
coach and auntie were the greatest.
so nice...
so very nice.
not being sarcastic.
but there seems to be no other club i wish to be if THERE STILL IS A PLP.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
slip and fall, again.
it was that heavy that i thought i should bring an umbrella out but decided not to. cause if the night its not going to rain, i would look like retard carrying an umbrella around.
so i confidently walked to the non-sheltered path and whee, rain too heavy to cross over.
so, i took a step back confidentally and turned. and a few second later, i am down on my butt again. first reaction? look out for people staring. lucky there was strictly no soul =)
so after the butt massage with the floor, i walked with caution only to be caught by this group of students who stopped me for i thought its asking for direction.
they start to promote dadada lalala blah blah blah of this permenant marker and says they are doing a SURVEY and the marker cost 3BUCKS and its CHEAP. so where's the survey? oh, buying of the marker IS THE survey.
oh, not only marker, they are seeling toothbrush also. its more essential as of daily use~
and you know as usual i am those super helpful and super kind that wont really reject people right?
i wished them all the best in their retail business and i am running late.
so while i try to get a cab, there isnt a cab.
so i waited for the bus instead.
reached the street soccer court behind tampines stadium and was that drenched.
so we went ahead to have our game with 7 players.
we were using the hockey field in the first place but then realise its tooooo big and with lots of puddle. so we switch over to the street soccer court and realise we need to climb over the wall. but still played on. invited 2 little boy to join us but this young boy was too good. he keep ramming the ball like free.. so it was my time to be keeper and trust the me, its painful. lucky i didnt perform any spilts. just the ball ramming into my hands and feets..
so after game we had some photo taking session and went ahead to bath..
after that deciding on what to eat and dadada blah blah blah..
then friend called and off i went to have meal with my friend instead of joining the girls at the Sleague match..
had fun and joy eating and crapping and gossiping on the workers at Lee Wee Brothers..
if you ever want to get their food and realise its sold out, ask them if they have kept some for themselves. i bet they did. like yes, they did. in the rice cooker! bwahahaha
ok, i am feeling tired. found myself on the floor in the morning..
so i am suffering from some backaches.
SSM is coming.....
got to go for injection due to SSM.
and got to go to 3 different venues to collect stuff..
and need to start grooming again.
bye hair.
its time to part again.
hi boyish jasmine,
we are meeting soon.
oh, actually we already met.
like everyday.
going insane in this unsane world.
that makes me normal.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
resumed training.
was like 45mins late cause i wanted to avoid running around the track but couldn't avoid.
so had 2 rounds around the field and the rest is all like shooting passing shooting passing.
when playing passing, was with titi and woah, passing with a ex-national player is stressful can.
my passing wasn't that good. stopping of the ball is poor today..
and when i am without my specs, i kind of get dizzy easily..
must be too much computer and television screen already..
so had a few shooting and i could shoot with my left already!
as in the confidence in using my left is back..
after the toe incident i didn't dare to use it but yea =)
was physically drained today after not running like that for months..
i got to build on my stamina..
liew zhilin, please go running/jogging with me.
you don't have a choice.
your boyfriend want you to do so =)
so after training trained home with mak, my coach..
she was sharing with me about soccer issues in Singapore..
like how we have run out of budget for female soccer teams..
true, we got no results, how to finance teams?
then she said that bernard the bishan arsenal coach knew that mak is going to take all our LTC and leave redhill after this season end and he actually ask for me~ no, i am not delighted. maybe appreciated for the recognition but i dont think i would make the cut if i stay for long=)
next season i am still thinking of which club to join..
dont know if hong ji still wanna get the girls team for PLP but i do hope so..
shant think of all this for now..
still got 3 matches to go..
mak says if the team have 4 jasmine and 4 titi and a good keeper, she could sit back and relax already..
why am i blogging all this?
cause i am freaking tired to think of what are the negative feedbacks and comments on my blog content.
ok, training is like on tues, thurs, sat.
bring me more bring me more..
cant wait.
no, actually i can..
so chill ppl chill..
going for street soccer with the girls from TP and afterwhich will be watching S-League in tampines stadium.
nope, not going..
i mean not the match but only for street soccer..
its the time to bond yo, bong.
Monday, October 6, 2008
house bunny
it always feel good going out with her cause she will pay for my expenses =)
so we had mac for lunch and there is this new flavour in town: the wasabi.
like didnt they do their R&D to check on the popularity before producing it?
and there isn't any japanese thing that is creating a big hu-ha in singapore..
so.. why wasabi?
we tried the shake shake fries thing and it was alright..
after lunch we went to have a few session of pool.
the table there is excellent just that we arnt that on form..
ok, just me..
sis always manage to get those nice angles while i use force with maths calculation..
oh, and i got new boots.
i just cant fit into those adult boots..
they just seem too large for me..
and kid boots are generally cheaper, so its a great deal for me =D
house bunny was funny..
a few touching moments and was feeling very emotional inside the theatre..
no, i didnt tears.
then after movie we got the urge for basketball at the arcade and woah~
we broke the high score ok..
so i am home now.
that was taken when i am in bus 43 alone from zhilin's house to punggol mrt..
eighteen climbs up to get food like dog.. cute huh??
The cheesy fishy thingy from curry-san in compass point.
I found a strand of long hair in the rice and totally got turned off.
and i found it only after i ate half the serving..
so they returned me a brand new plate..
happy 18th birthday xiangwei!
it was an eye opener to see so many people looking into the big piece of mirror, smiling, and doing weird actions. oh, they call it dance.
they have so much passion in dancing that all of the guys and girls in the studio attended dancing classes or in dancing schs to pursue what they love love love love love.
they have so much passion in them like how i have passion in soccer.
and videos of them will be posted up very soon in my blog i think.
no, i consider.
had fun with zhilin for its been long long long long long since i last saw her.
not even before exam.
it was on the measurement day which is the tues during the study week.
that was freaking long ago..
ok, i need to head to bed..
jie dragging me out of bed for a jog in mcRichie reservior in the morning.
pms is over, backaches are here, period is arriving, tmr.
so how to jog or run in a deserted place?
let me go faint 1st,
Saturday, October 4, 2008
soccer self training day
and a no teacher in charge day!
he say he was sick..
so oh well..
so i was able to wake up!
was 10 minutes early for the 8am trg ok..
then went to change and try to get the key for the balls..
but then haha,
we waited for the sports complex office to be open but the uncle will only reach at 8.30?
so the whole team of 9 players have to wait for the uncle to arrive.
we were like so desperate until we attempted to hook up the key from the key deposit box..
ezyan was like a pro and she manage to hook it up..
but turn out to be the wrong key..
and concluded that we have got no soccer balls and we got to play with the cute green and red ball?
so we did normal drills and games after games..
this should be the most enjoyable training under that freaking sun since we have our 1st trg..
cool cool.. shld have more of such trainings=)
so after the tiring training,
low yam and i slack in school for a while (like an hour?)
cause we were lazy people who are able to stone for hours without moving.
then decided to cab down to ikea for meatballs..
so before that we went to toilet and i saw KANDIS!!
was just irritating her in msn the night before and saying that i might see her in sch and poof!
she did a little indian dance that kind of thing in the toilet?
but great to see her back in sch..
and Nicolas and sunny and alot of bsc ppl that i got to know from the camp actually..
so we went to get a cab and we couldnt freaking get a cab..
and to think we are that desperate for cabs that we were screaming shouting and singing song to the cars that passby, and i even show my leg. but no car stop. instead they change to 2nd and 3rd lane instead of staying in the 1st..
low was super fast to find a table for us when the restaurant is like that pack.
so we ate and walk ard ikea and stopping at every possible sitting area..
the chairs area, the bed area, the dining table area..
we got our ikea ice cream and proceed to sit at the delivery and exchange/ return area where there are seats and gossip about ppl around us.
there is the wrapping station where we see the true side of singaporeans,
we notice that by disposing our drinking paper cups, we need to throw the straw and the cover into the plastic, the ice into the others, and then the paper cups into papers. cause there is this guy who just dump the whole thing into 'paper'.
then after we had enough rest,
we move on to the s-miles world to look at the kids and wondering why would the parents want to leave their kids there and arnt they worry they will be injuried or something in there?
thats why they hire people like... trina!
that girl.
i was standing right in front of her.
like say... a metre?
and she didnt notice.
wanted to go forward and call her auntie and requesting to go in..
but due to my tiredness,
i decided to spare her the screaming and shouting that i will be expecting
and left ikea for home..
so after a little resting and eating and playing Wii and watching television and stoning online and chatting on msn,
i cant find any reason not to like my holidays=)
awwww, its ending soon~
some forgotten unforgetable moments
- I slipped and fall while bathing on thurs. How? I suddenly feel like doing a 70's moonwalk dance and ended up falling due to the soapy tiles and in an effort to try not to land on my knees, I sat backwards and ended up sliding to another side of the wall.
- I was on 83 during my trip back home after bringing my sister to tuition and this teenager who looks older than me, wore a belt that looks like a japanese anime device. On a closer look, it even have cards in it! like those Yo-Gi-oh or what do they call them? (for my era is pokemon cards..) so when i alighted in a hurry for home united vs geylang united match, i heard a loud beep beep beep beep beep before me and when i turn behind, i saw that teenager raising his arms into the air and pull up his pants with the belt, and dash off to save the world!
- I was in the lift with this 2 couples after i see that weird guy and thinking hey! i am actually pretty normal. so the guy in the lift have a few large bags in his hands and he shifted all to another hand. why? when the door closes, he stared at his watch. Till it reaches level 10 and the lift door opened fully, then he put down his hand and walk out.
Friday, October 3, 2008
New layout

my lovely desktop..
with a walking spider every now and then,
the calendar that i am using before,
a to-do list,
a weather forecast,
and a music player.
all proudly provided by Google =)
now, i am able to check my calendar even when i am offline!
ok, i think my computer has undergo tremendous improvisation.
Lots of personalising..
next i should see how i could improve the Wii console 1st..
anyone know if i have to purchase the Wifi for Wii to be able to go online?
or there is other means of doing so?
ok i need to draft proposal but am too lazy..
off to play Wii!!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Mario Kart and Fifa soccer 2008!
went out for dinner with my sister and she decided to add some new games to our Wii..
so we went up to comic connection in compass point and purchased the Mario Kart.
and the guy pointed out to us about the $34 offer games and from my small sharp eyes,
i spotted ronaldinho smiling at me =D
so i went over and pick up the box and exclaimed at my sister..
she was like 'aiya, confirm 2009 version is coming out..'
spot on. in another 2 weeks.
but its like the same to me?
maybe the transfer of berbatov and robbie keane will be for 2009
but haha,
doesnt matter.
just tried out the tutorial for the soccer and on many occasion, i wanted to stick my leg out to whack the television set.
so i decided to cool down a little and change to mario kart.
remembering when i was young playing PS1, i always have the urge to steer the controller with the momentum and keep getting laugh at.
now, Wii allows me to do so!
thank genius for the great invention!
ok back to playing.. Wiiiiiiiii~
cause trina says behind every chinese name shld have a meaning..
not knowing if my parents name me for fun or for a reason,
i checked out the web...
柯 - surname.
慧 - able; intelligent; knowledge;
毓 - educate
so my parents wish that i am educated with knowledge and intelligence.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
free icecream
saw the advertisement on facebook and thought that there might be a long long queue when we reach there and will be quite paiseh if we go take..
but when we reach,
no queues, no kids, just us..
there wasnt any banners like how ben&jerry advertised before..
i guess their marketing is really quite screw up..
so we had food, food and food.
we walked from ps to wheelock and back to ps..
on the way, as usual, we will think of some stupid things to do~
and in collaboration with children's day,
i went around to greet little kids 'happy childrens' day!'
there is this little boy that 'diao' me..
so i had a great random day with linda and weiyan =)
i continued my research on kuala lumpur trip and my mother came into the room and tell both my sister and I, to stop researching as there isn't a need. cause she broke the news to dad before we could present our proposal on the trip. well, it works in my family.. kind of.. if news are not completely convey, its going to be a no plus a few naggings. I really wonder whats with the mind of that man.. so.. he wants me to go for OSIP, but doesnt want me to be independent? he felt that malaysia is NOT safe in kuala lumpur because he was a malaysian and he thinks that 2 females going there alone is dangerous? so we could get rob? rape? kidnap? if its that dangerous, i wonder how tourist could go back to their country and still blog about their experience. locals from other states keep wanting to go there? yes aware that it is dangerous and we never thought it is not. if i continue to blog about this topic, i am so going to write a 1000 words essay and still feel sore over it. true on the point my sister noted. never anticipated anything. cause the more you anticipate, the greater the disappointment. thank you parents. greatly appreciated.
A good day to slack
when was the last time i exercise?
oh, last week? last last week?
cant rmb.
and that is not a good thing at all..
why cant i have a gym like near me?
maybe a treadmill in my room?
I shall continue rotting..
Eagle eye
It's a good show.
it certainly worth the price even if its the most expensive pricing you could end up paying.
on a random note,
I am hungry at 1.13AM.