Sunday, November 16, 2008

its a day indeed.

what a day to start off with.
i just read lao liew's blog..
she mention about the photoshopped photo of the issue on new bra not being washed thingy?
if you people dont know what i am talking about, ask me to send you..
the picture still linger around the back of my mind. GOSH.

ok, so ytd was the LRM sports day..
things happen.
dont wish that it happened.
but it did.
serena, you are brave girl and get well soon

didnt stay on for the debrief cause i got to rush home for my serene..
she is home alone as my parents went malaysia (again) for somebody's daughter wedding..
the daughter of the somebody is of the same age as me..
shotgun marriage.

so serene was cute enough to wait for me patiently although she was that scare at home already.
took her to the arcade despite my tiredness..
oh, she got approved for the transfer from edgefield pri to mee toh school..
Mee Toh is a Buddhism school btw.
just hope that 20years later she dont come and tell me she wants to be a nun.

tmr ssm will be a killer day.
am the headwaiteress.
this time round with no Mr Goh yelling straight at my face or going out of pitch because the food is served slow.
just the guest giving a pissed face and wondering why do there have to wait for an hour for their starter.


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