went over to bryan's blog and saw this cute thing..
if anyone is interested,
you could go over to http://www.elfyourself.com/ to create one!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Aspire One
spent like crazy for the past 2 days..
got myself external HD which cost $75, 2GB thumbdrive which cost $7.50, Netbook which cost $599+$139, Sony cybershot which cost $499.
ok, time to focus back to research work for projects.
many to be done.
and oh!
i saw marcus ytd at secret recipe in T3!
he gave me free ice mocca!
thanks thanks!
then i saw Silas at the fair!
eh although i never buy dell laptop that is as heavy as a desktop,
at least i helped you clear some brochures and get your attention away from those customers that asked alot of questions!
ok thats about it.
weekends are sweet=)
cause you would have the time to blog non-stop about anything under the sun.
toptable last day tmr!
i am so going to hide my camera in my pocket and take it out to snap a few photos at the end =)
all the best in life people!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
photograph updates
"i finally have time to blog again."
i should blog about my life just this little..
for the past week,
it was like crazy.
it started off with SSM at 7.20am in the lockers room.
then i was the waitress and its more scary then being a headwaitress.
maybe if you have the experience of a waitress then became a headwaitress, life will be better.
but i climb the ladder the other way.
pros and cons i should put it.
oh! i almost had salt and pepper on my guest from the head.
but lucky mr chia used his eye power to hold it for me.
you will get what i mean if you encountered that.
chose the job for next week.
no, i dont have to run.
just have to be the one that communicate with the chef.
well chef is kind.. and nice.. and friendly..
finger crossed*
i need to learn how to fold crumb down set......
didnt rush home to do my Fest blog or continue on my poster.
instead i did what many didnt,
i went for SSM lecture.
there are around 20 students inside the LT.
Alex and I was the only toptable representative.
so it was a tough night trying to get enough sleep and trying to complete my assignment.
on Tuesday,
i had culinary science.
handed in the poster and i feel good about my poster. it was relatively well done but more could be done more could be..
its only 5% anyway..
oh well,
was in charge of main course 2 for the day.
oven baked salmon.
poor Terence was always the one to test the heat..
the thermometer of the team!
i must say working in the kitchen is great..
less stressful than ssm..
maybe because i enjoy cooking more hur?
after culinary chiong straight to IDGD.
lesson was fun but no friend is boring =(
should have stick to thurs class then can grp with hwee siang.. he's my cousin btw..
wednesday was another crazy day with many agenda on hand..
MICE was a completed 'huh-ness'.
how i wish the cat will eat it away..
Festive have no tutorial due to project submission..
so went straight to setting up of the soccer booth in engine school..
so ulu and response was...
far far far far far far far far from great.
basically, i see all the familiar names on the paper.
jasmine, charmine, debbie, michelle, malia, angeline, sharda, etc..
but oh well,
its this ppl that make soccer SUSTAINABLE in TP.
(this point will be further explain under subheading-Saturday.)
went for festive lecture for a short short while..
actually before i step into the lecture,
i was outside with many many people trying to fill up the universal Orlando form together..
we were all rushing for the 5pm dateline..
submitted and felt awesome=)
home-d and slept super early.
thursday was suppose to be a i-am-so-free-till-i-can-rollover-my-younger-sister-a-thousand-time day. but i went back to help out with the soccer booth.
and since i was early,
i went to donate blood!
felt like a super loner.
went to level 9 in library and did everything alone..
super brave, super loner.
beside the point,
manage to get a few girls to join soccer.
but i know for the fact YH still dont like the turnout.
we are speaking about women soccer mind you.
then went to business forum while waiting for yam to finish school..
wanted to stay longer but nvm=)
there is always a next year..
i love TP=)
had dinner at chomp chomp with ah yam, ah pang, ah foo..
bitched about life, people and items.
its great to meet up with them.
its like because of their existence in my life,
it makes everything, misery or sorrows, worthwhile.
friday was a ha-ha-ha-ha day.
had MICE test in the morning.
when i flip open the paper,
i was seriously picturing a cat dash into the lecture room and without hesitation eat up my MICE paper.
i was like thinking why didnt i study more in the night.
not just flip the pages like viewing animation.
but really read into details.
then after the paper,
i went out and ask a few others 'where is the link of the MICE paper with the lecture notes?'
all answer was simple. 'no link. it is case study what.'
a sign of relieve for not studying till i drop for the paper..
decided to take annual leave for Account.
sorry mr leong, i didnt want to sleep in front of you, you see. i am a good girl =)
so went for a movie with zhilin as a form of de-stress and had a nice talk with her too.
watched quarantine.
i will post up our movie review that we had recorded soon. when she send me......
then got ourselves fried mushroom and A1 bubble tea and feast in business study room..
when the time is up,
we went ahead with culinary science which is... ya, as usual lor.
headed to bishan arsenal training at braddell..
training starts at 5 but i only manage to reach by 6.15..
so bernard ask me to join the team with bibs.
names of team?
no friends, i did not join BA. i just went for the training to see see look look.
and wanted to give myself more opportunity to improve myself..
we shall see how everything goes..
oh its today...
reached school at 7.50am and none of my girls was there yet..
i think the turnout was ok..
more of the girls that are with me since day 1..
i dont think we are that lousy that we have to be describe as nowhere-near-rp-or-sp.
put it this way.
SP started off like us.
with no players from big clubs.
and now their 2nd year,
they had more regular trainings.
ok, now i feel like having friendly with sp.
see how far off are we.
getting 40-50 girls to come down for the clinic or competition is not as realistic as i think..
i felt i am being manipulated.
as much as i want to have a good figure to show the popularity of female soccer,
i dont wish to disappoint 20-30 girls at the end of the day by saying
hey i am sorry, you didnt make the cut, you cant join the school team.
thanks for showing your interest and good bye.
that is so wrong.
cause its passion that i am looking for.
it doesnt drop from the sky.
it took me a year to be notice.
a year to turn to what i am now.
its not a natural thing in me.
i learned it the hard way.
so what is the freaking wrong with him?
didnt anyone wish to stand up for this injustice?
ok enough of that,
angeline asked us to join arion..
cool cool..
might be able to see JOLEENNNN there!
had SIP briefing just now..
OSIP to vietnam, china, bahrain and usa..
i am going for OSIP..
but i got many things in singapore that i cant just leave like this..
shall see how it goes..
and oh, heather zixuan and chanel was irritating me before i went back during the break..
they were commenting about the sensitive region and other stuff..
i went 'i am not a butch...'
'then can be lesbian what..'
'but i am not a butch..'
'still can be lesbian what.. or bi?'
so they just want to force me to be one..
cause they feel like upskirt-ing kim and trying to find someone to do it.
i have funny classmates=)
went IT fair ALONE just now.
realise i love to do things alone recently?
dont know why,
its quite cool through..
had a shooping spree just now..
brought timedrive and hard disk for today..
tmr will be getting netbook..
wanted to get camera too..
but nothing caught my eyes so nvm...
Friday, November 28, 2008
leisure = working your ass off before you play.
many stuff to update..
thats about it.
blog after i completed my stuff for the week.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
2 projects down
2 projects down.
down to the drain too.
lag of time, didnt do a fantastic job.
lots of new idea pop out like crazy while doing but no time.
so forget it.
ok, i need to get ready for school.
i think i am going to overcook the salmon like siao.
dozing off already.
cant believe i doze off while doing project.
oh well,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
back from competition
my whole body feels hot now.
the weather was freaking mad.
go sentosa will not get tanned.
get burned.
ok so the competition was organised by some..
i dont know who..
was in group D: with Bishan arsenal D, sporting westlake B, NYPGA.
1st match against BA was great..
i manage to score from very far, a loop. and equalise just before the game end..
it was like the best goal so far for the day..
i realise everytime before the match against BA in those small tournament,
bernard would love to ask me over and talk cock with me..
and the game will end with a draw..
BA will lead first,
follow by us equalising.
so bernard told me he lost my number so he ask for it again.
so many decisions to make recently..
getting sick of it..
can i just be a happy kid and play all day??
cause i am in singapore.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
To my greatest foo
love love hug hug kiss kiss miss miss you laa~
ok, better meet up with me soon.
i shall treat u to a nice dinner cook up by the greatest chef in punggol blk 203b #14-334.
and oh,
tmr having street soccer competition.
in.. woodlands?
wow wow..
all the best in life.
dont break my arm, leg or any parts.
cause ssm, i cant afford that =)
ssm: waitress-wannabe
i just went to check on ssm,
i am a waitress (breakages is now foresee as inevitable!).
my captain is Dennis. (great~ he got experience as waiter so he could help out a little..)
my fellow waiter for station 1 is Steven.
he better turn up and know his things well..
ok, i am frightening myself.
he will turn up, and he will make sure he knows his stuff well.
whats the worse that can happen?
deyi drama version: DIE LORRRR! (omg, i miss drama. i need to drain off some emotion..)
ssm lecturer version: ALL HELL BREAK LOOSE!
jasmine kua version: .....
btw, hi Mr Chia.. go to my tagboard and say hi if you happen to be reading?
no worries, not going to burn down anything=)
universal orlando
70 people turned up for the briefing,
80% are deciding if they should back out on this osip..
they dont look at the freaking GPA.
they look at your financial standing..
if you are able to afford it,
welcome to universal orlando, USA!
but i will only be given 1 choice for the jobs..
no job rotation..
7.25 USD/hr,
although the pay isnt bad at all..
but with agent fee and airport tax and plane ticket,
i will be incurring cost instead of earning profit at the end of the intern..
and oh,
after i am back in singapore around 7 July,
i will be working with universal singapore for another 5 mths..
we need to complete our 20 weeks of intern..
SIP briefing next week..
more choices will be coming up..
commitment level is too high in singapore to fly off like that..
so i will still decide if USA, china, saudi, vietnam or singapore will be my choice.
till then,
i need to pass this semester first.
Friday, November 21, 2008
its a cold week.
what ifs came flashing by.
maybe came dashing by.
should have came swimming by.
complimenting the cold and chilling weather,
i gave myself a cold bath,
and a cup of ice.
jokes that was once told meant nothing to me, before.
but i could laugh it out heartily, now.
maybe i took life too serious just now,
i should let it go,
so many to do,
so little time to think.
lets focus just a little bit more,
get it over and done with.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
finally, a stay home thursday.
been too busy to think of anything else which is good.
how did you people manage to concentrate on your assessment without side tracking?
i finally have strong cravings for food.
at least in my clear mind i remember i didn't have cravings for the past 18years.
cleared my subway crave last night.
now, Belgium chocolate.
and i realise dream is a powerful tool..
both kind of dream.
the one that you set goals for it, set you motivated to move forward and achieve.
the other one that you had in your sleep, when reality was so much similar to it at times, it can scare the shit out of you and provide you two tight slap on the cheek asking you to start waking up.
don't understand?
not meant to be.
still awake;
still many things not quite done.
thoughts are as usual heavy when it comes to the night.
no time to reflect.
i just have to live with it.
live. with. it.
thats it.
good night.
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day
tomorrow will be a good day.
who am i trying to lie?
oh, me.
come on projects!
bring it on!
its that all you can do???
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
serving; cooking; eating.
Monday, November 17, 2008
ssm-headwaiter, done.
1st headwaiter for LRM this batch,
i wouldnt say great experience.
was hoping for a full house to enrich all that i could learn.
was hoping my team could score well under my guidance as headwaiter.
effort was there at 6/10.
efficience was 4/10.
oh that was self rating.
if i would think like that,
what do you think our grades will be?
all i could say,
next week,
all the best in life people.
I am the waitress.
HAHAHA like kana demote like that..
wanted the stewarding but didnt get it..
a hot spot for all..
oh well,
all the best team.
culinary science will be on operation too.
where am i posted to?
toptable. again.
so monday tuesday toptable,
can die.
i wont.
maybe just faint.
did i mention i had my one and only meal which is by right call the dinner at 10pm?
yes, i just mention it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
corned beef hash
and i am suppose to taste and come up with the taste profile.
so i dont have a kitchen to cook that to taste.
actually i cant even eat beef!
i feel the sin....
its a day indeed.
i just read lao liew's blog..
she mention about the photoshopped photo of the issue on new bra not being washed thingy?
if you people dont know what i am talking about, ask me to send you..
the picture still linger around the back of my mind. GOSH.
ok, so ytd was the LRM sports day..
things happen.
dont wish that it happened.
but it did.
serena, you are brave girl and get well soon
didnt stay on for the debrief cause i got to rush home for my serene..
she is home alone as my parents went malaysia (again) for somebody's daughter wedding..
the daughter of the somebody is of the same age as me..
shotgun marriage.
so serene was cute enough to wait for me patiently although she was that scare at home already.
took her to the arcade despite my tiredness..
oh, she got approved for the transfer from edgefield pri to mee toh school..
Mee Toh is a Buddhism school btw.
just hope that 20years later she dont come and tell me she wants to be a nun.
tmr ssm will be a killer day.
am the headwaiteress.
this time round with no Mr Goh yelling straight at my face or going out of pitch because the food is served slow.
just the guest giving a pissed face and wondering why do there have to wait for an hour for their starter.
Friday, November 14, 2008
thursday, not a free day
should be at rihanna's concert just now..
should be resting at home and complete my tutorials and projects..
should not be at standard chartered marathon briefing alone and listening to motivation talk which is rather, useless.
3hours wasted just by travelling, sitting there, playing psp, doing nothing.
i got to find back the rhythm in me and start to get things straight.
that was a joke.
all the best in life people,
like what weiyan always say to everyone=)
all the best in life
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
everyday seems to be busy.
- (5/11/08), i was given this A Capella CD from Mrs sandra due to my participation during lec. then had street soccer with the soccer girls.
- (6/11/08), it was suppose to be a no sch day but i went back to sch. then tried out cooking with zhilin in my kitchen. mess. but good fish. hahaha
- (7/11/08), had lunch with weiqi. IG meeting was crazy with all the emotions high high high above the sky.
- (8/11/08), had standard chartered briefing.. was being noticed and labelled as the 'funky hair with jacket' by Cecilia and then was given this post it after i answered the quiz correctly. then it was match against young women's. score? 7-0. duh, they 7 we nil. they were the national team.. then? and sunjie was the person i am suppose to defend throughout the match. what did i do? i was chatting with her non-stop in the match. bravo. she ask me to join the national. siao. got so much time then say..
- (9/11/08), went back Malaysia for some nice nice seafood. what else can i further elaborate? its seafood.
- (10/11/08), freaking day. SSM was crazy.. headwaiter is not an easy job. Mr Goh was praising my toughness. thank you. I would like to thank my dad, he gave me training at home. i think almost all headwaiter couldnt take it and burst in front of him before? i could still smile and accept things calmly. well done, keep it up. no, try harder next week.
- (11/11/08), so that is where my emotions headed to. tuesday morning. it should not be a routine but i still forgets a piece of something. thanks dad, you are indeed unlucky. to have such a daughter. you shld be at home slping and enjoying life with all that money now. so.. thanks=) oh my test.. its was ok.. could do better, should do better, must do better. 5%, its over. let it be over.
- (12/11/08), lessons were boring, lecture was ok, life as a TP student is great. at least i got the choice of going to lec or not. other schs cant. oh, i walked around business school in the sandwich board for LRM publicity today. and LRM notice board is done up. finally.
life is cool, life is great.
weather is chill, feelings are too.
what am i talking about?
oh, nothing.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
pan-fry dory fishy!
order from the night back to the morning..
dinner was great with zhilin and later joined by kim.
talked to zhilin and it feels great..
we chatted for roughly 3-4 hrs? and sitting at the mushroom for so long is certainly a new experience for both of us..
thanks for the talk.. feel much much much better now=)
cooked pan-fry dory fish with pilaf rice and broccoli!
My fish was good, rice was a little.. tasteless, broccoli was tender but taste was plain, tomato sauce was great=) overall, i think i scored good=)
my mother was suggesting i cook on sunday for the family.. cool cool.. washing up is terrible..
and i got a cut on my left index finger.. no idea how i got that.. poor left hand.. been through so much pain for the week..
morning was hell for me.
i happily hop into the locker's room and greet everyone i see with a great smile =D
then when i walk into the female changing room,
my face totally change.
that was the time where all my emotions hide for the past few days was shown visible to people. I was swearing unusually alot these few days and i was actually controlling my tears. i know i got to be strong.. i could only fall apart when its the end of this sem.. that is the only time i am allowed to fall for a moment.. thoughts flowed through my mind while i punished myself to be late for class due to my carelessness on not bringing what i need to bring. so i was practically squatting down outside the building while waiting for my parents to bring me that pathetic piece of cloth. i looked at my phone and wondered for a moment which number i could dial to rant a little at 8am in the morning. none.
I was marked late for today's lesson. serve me right.
lesson learnt.
thanks all for your help.. especially my parents, my classmate and myself.
Monday, November 3, 2008
little pinkie, hurt =(
had ssm today and it was fun=)
my hair..
Mr Goh was marking for my grooming but he say the side is still unable to pass.. he appreciate my effort on the back (its freaking sloping can!) so i am able to pass for the grooming this time=)
so after that we had to do 'asking questions about the job description'. we were giving the captain's role and i was the one presenting for my group. lucky there is weijian whom is doing the waiter's role beside me.. like feel so much less stress.. haha
(i swear Mr Goh was super cute today..)
then it was lunch break and all of the bags in unlocked lockers were removed!
the lecturers effort on enforcing locks on a harsher manner.
i was lucky to get a lock from my dad last night..
after lunch we had hands on activities!
try carrying 1.5kg plate on your left hand, with your thumb and pinkie on top and the rest of the 3 fingers supporting the bottom. then, add another similar plate on top of that, resting it on your thumb and pinkie. then, time yourself 1min, 2mins, 3mins, 4mins. oh, plates got to be straight.
its nothing ok.. try walking around and balancing it on 1 hand only. and we had great singing session while trying hard to believe it is not heavy.
then it was table setting..
Mr Neo shouting was at a random loud timing. we are like shock. cause we only know Mr Goh's roaring and not the other lecturer.. and Preeti so poor thing.. cause she accidentally admit she work in Raffles hotel before.. then Mr Neo was previously the manager there.. so kana shot throughout the session..
(one tip on SSM: dont disclose lots of information! like where you stay and you work in FnB before!)
then it was wine opening..
my right hand is so retarded.. like short and retarded and whats more? retarded. ok fingers i love you=) dont break on me next time when i am carrying plates or opening wine.. we didnt get to do all due to time constraint.. sad sad.. cause we got to practice! and the lecturers dont allwo us to go back to practice...
before dismissal,
we are divided into 3 groups for the job rotation.. toptable, sugarloaf and TCC training.
so i was in group 3 with many familiar faces.. was so happy that i squeeze into the center with winnie and crystal and await with all the rest while Mr Goh announce which is the lucky group to get the toptable, sugarloaf or TCC.
so that group, which group? just that group..... got.. SUGARLOAF! relief from that whole group.
Mr Goh turn to use and say..
'wah this group like alot of strong one ah.. *grin* this group will get.. toptable! (everyone was like knew it.) and Mr tai specially requested that Jasmine will be the headwaiter! (what the huh?)
great. specially requested. no wonder he came over and double check my name during one of the break.. and i think those in my team quite sway ah.. cause they are in the same group as me with no choice, we got the toptable for the 1st week.
what does it mean to be the headwaitress of operation week 1 day 1?
if it got screwed,
my head will be the first to roll....
ok, i need to go TCA and dig hole now=)
and oh, sudden craving..
anyone? lets say... this wed?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
back by popular demand.
and i am suppose to blog about the week.
long week for me.
lets start from monday~ [since the discreet fan of mine wants to know more=)]
deepavali! so there is NO SSM! but we kind of loss out you know.... but hack, i had my haircut at the compass point 10bucks thingy place. cut my hair until so ugly. no, not at all=) its fugly.
then went to cine to meet ah foo, ah huang, ah pang for dinner.
after dinner i have a craving for some nice hot mocha or cappuchino and brownie with ice cream. I ended up buying some coffee from koufu and brownie from Mrs field.........
Culinary and i have good good good good cuts on the carrots! cooked carrot shop which i think its nice but a little too raw.. oh well, improvement is needed=)
had gaming class after that. seriously, that course is fun.. but rushing to class every week is so not cool.
had MICE and FEM tutorial and that is the first time i am seeing my classmates..
Sandra Goh: so have your class chose your classrep? no? want to pick one now?
class: JASMINE.......
and oh! bryan kkkkkkkk is in my class!
my project mate!
went clinic with zhilin and zhenhui at the end of the day.. had a good ketchup and chilli =)
errrrrrrrr... ya.
happy 19th birthday, trina!
Acc lessons was boring. how boring can he get? and bringing a water bucket to class and talking weirdly about DNA and asking us if he got scold us? ok, i am so going to click with the teacher..
had campus relay after that.
great event.
although i wasnt feeling at my excellent but i still try my very best to motivate the runners.
that is what i am best at=)
great job, kua =) [wheeeeeeeee!]
I was station at that spot in the middle.. the cross section there..
Hui Mei trying to help with eyepower..
then it was halloween party~
the food was superb. thanks caleb! vooooo!
a thousand sorries to SITI RAUDAH ERYANI.. for the header on the nose bridge... hope you are not turning crook bucause of that.. if thats the case, you could always call my number ok =)
happy 18th birthday brandon and jiaping!
training was cancelled due to the not able to wake up captain and the heavy rain.. more of the rain and not the captain. the captain is one of the busiest person in business sch.. =)
so had ig meeting in the afternoon.. the turnout was... sharmine was like asking me how come i didnt tell them its compulsory.. i thought all meeting is??
after meeting sharmine and I went in search for cheapo shirt for the sports day..
so we settled with this shirt. it was an XL shirt she is holding btw.. a great laugh from the 19 year old women.
happy 18th birthday melissa!
finally update till sunday..
had my 2nd match of the season in meridian JC. their field is so nice... i think after raining, fake field is so much better.. better than hot hot hot like me hard rock bald field.. so the game ended with a 3-0 lost. its ok.. totally fine.. yaya nana uma wont be there for the game next week.. and yaya says she is retiring after this... take care of your groin! and i always didnt leave the pitch empty handed after each match.. i got hit right in the stomach by this ball from dear number 11 from sporting westlake. i wasnt prepared so from around 2 running steps away from me, and she was a very skillful player, with great strength, i was on the ground shortly =)
but so far so good, so SSM is still a must go...
and captain titi misspelt 2 names!
yuting as yiewting,
jasmine as Jess.
so had dinner with redhill rangers FC/ paya lebar punggol FC teammate..
any solution to that?
i guess not, its the breed.
and short hamster like short humans,
are smarter.
thanks and see you all next week @ jasminekua.blogspot.com