- shuling, trina, sharon, zhangyi and me was in the life @ level 7 going to level 1 then to our rooms in level 22. so when we reached level 1, we met a bunch of koreans. the next thing we know is that we are squashed to one side of the lift (trina shuling zhangyi and me was together while sharon was tuna-ed somewhere else...). its like tuna in a pack and trina in the lift. got me? so the lift was not shooting up like a rocket and in fact, it was slow. we were wondering why didnt the lift have the overweight signal... The life door open at level 15A and some of the koreans went out. RELIEVED, not. they came back in cause its not their level. so the lift door open again on 15. when we reached level 22, we have to squeeze our way through and poor sharon got to shout '我也是22楼!我也要出去!’(i am also staying on 22, i want to get out..) so great laugh....
- me and zhangyi pranked trina on making her believe our room door is locked and we dont have the keys... so lovely trina tried to use her key to open it. she manage to push it open and i was really shock! cause its me who close it and it can be open? so we were exclaiming the door is lousy and such. trina closed the door tight back and it could not be open... so like since its open, than why close it?? asktrina.com to find out why....
- i was playing with shuling in their room and as shuling pushed me into the wardrobe without letting trina see.. so i stoned in the wardrobe peeping out in the small slit. trina was like 'baobi, you really chase her out of her room ah?' next moment, zhangyi came in and exclaim when trina and shuling asked where am i... so zhangyi really 心里有我 and suggest she go find me.. the question is.. where?? so i was laughing like mad women mad cat mad dog inside the wardrobe.. when zhangyi was leaving the room, i chiong out and she screamed. trina, zhangyi, i know you two loveeeeeeee me and care for me... =) shuling, i just loveeee disturbing you and alias with you to disturb trina.. trilling~
- we had pinic at roaster park. who on earth picnic on a very cold day by the lakeside? so before we picnic, the usual lot of us need to seek for toilet and we travel for a longgggggggg way to find a not very clean toilet... just that we dont have to use umbrella to cover... so when we return back, we realise even the teachers helped us carry things and went all over to find us. oh ya, i was wearing heels for picnic and going to a park and of course, run.
- silk factory was horrible. saw how they killed poor little things for the comfort of mankind.
-watched a world class acrobatic performance and it was really world class even though i felt aslp. and special thanks to weiqi, shuling and trina.. you peeps are such a dear to me... i didnt suffered lots due to the gastric.. cause it was eased off by all the love present=)
- the visit to the Mosque was really touching. its really rare to see muslim in such a chinese place lie shanghai.. i helped with the translation for the malays and i feel really honored. =)
- Shanghai Volswagen factory is a place where they do not treat us like important guest. its more like a 'tour is coming to our place and they dont even have the money to afford a car and we have important guest later so hack them'. they dont even allow us to go toilet! and their english is really BAD! how can they afford to even clinch a deal with the germans??
-qipulu shopping was really fun with all those bargainings.. and people, no time to shop ok? and its an educational trip.. so you got me??
-journey trip back was great. changed seat with 7+ people and finally managed to sit beside trina. the plane service is serious weird.. have you tried watching a movie on the plane and you just couldnt get to watch the starting and ending? its not those individual seats you know! i watched with open jaw.... and adding to the not so good service, the food was horrible. i didnt finish it. cause its ewwww.... so i manage to slp for like an hour and i decided to go toilet.. sharon was exclaiming there were stars out of the window.. below the plane.. WOW! THERE IS! WE ARE OUT OF THE EARTH AND FLYING TO THE MOON!!
- i am like missing all my classmate now! ahhhhhh! you peeps rock my stones!!
- my nickname for the trip is bibi.

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