Saturday, July 26, 2008

a hamster's life.

i watched her grew..
from a little fur to the one a few weeks back..
she was absolutely beautiful..
she would play 'dead' under the wheel,
she would store food in the cheek poach and run off.
she would standby at the door,
she would grab the poles to remind us its time to give her food.
she grew bigger day by day,
week by week..
we got her a bigger cage and she was thrilled with bigger wheels and bigger running space.
she would be clumsy and fall off the stairs,
she would stay in the sand till her bedroom is clean.
she would run out of her cage to search for thrill,
she would come out when she's hungry once more.
she got another cage that is bigger and look like a palace,
she climb up and down to explore around.
she got used to the cage and enjoyed the process,
but we got her a companion for her to play with.
it wasn't long till they met and after a few weeks,
she was alone again.
with the introduction of eighteen,
her palace was back to a single and
her illness is making her deteriorate.

she stood by the bottom of the wheel and hold on to it's life.
i got to whisper with tears in my eyes,
'it's ok, gi. let go. don't worry and just go...'
she let out a cried that i never heard,
she struggled...


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