now talking to weiyan in msn..
realise that its best to slack ard..
ssm is next sem.
and the worst part is,
we got to work our ass off,
look good,
and no salary to be drawn.
and no salary to be drawn.
at least SIP or OSIP have got something in return..
practical abit people~
yest interview was like..
no, its not interview..
just like telling us which days are we working..
thats all.
i travelled up and down town yest..
after interview, went to compass to get chocolates for serene's teachers..
then went over to fetch her plus pass her the chocolates from the childcare..
then home,
sat ard for a while and went out to meet the clique..
met munah and hanna at the mrt station and it was very dramatic..
it cant really be describe over here..
so before we went home after the meal and walking ard and walking from cine to ps,
we stoned ard the mrt station like as usual..
and we randomly thought of new nicknames for all of us..
jasmine - 柯叉叉 (cross)
debbie - 任扣扣 (ticks)
hueyyun - 福椭圆 (oval)
lijuan - 彭圆圆 (circle)
marlene - 林方方 (square)
zhilin - 黄四角 (square)
huimei -廖三角 (triangle)
it sounds creepy..
but yea..
chalet and bbq soon pls..
and mar start sch soon..
hahaha hohoho hehehehe
ok, i am off to play Wii.

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