This is the first day of my holiday.i spent it on sleeping and internet.
don't get me wrong people,
cause i am doing things which ARE important.
like organising outings and chalets for varies groups of mine....
naming IG, K06, and
if any organisation would like to approach me to help them plan any activities, please tag my board and i will be more than delighted to help. =)
This holiday i will be rather busy.
my monthly planner will be so filled that i think i will have to print it on A3 size paper.
GC -shanghai
Tutorial and Lecture will be starting on 10th March 9am or 10am.
I will be in tutorial group 3.
i am sooooooo seperated from the rest of my friends who are going for the trip with me...
well, nvm... shall make more new friends in the process =D
the teacher in charge of my group is pearl. she's a very fun person so... should be an enriching trip for me...
countdown 1 mouth.
training for me shall start on monday.
yes, after all the busy schedule,
i am squeezing soccer in it.
why? cause i love it la~
there will be an upcoming match which is organise by cheryl's church..
low yam linmin cheryl bev me and maybe agnes if not gallas if not rosani if not grace will be playing~ (agnes, you better say yes hor... cause i am ponning tutorial and lecture to go for that.... hahaha)
yes, i want to bathe now.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Its finally over~~~!!!!
Its finally over~~~!!!!
p.s if you are related to any 'sub', dont approach me... i am so not looking for sub paper. thanks.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

was happily revising my FnB when i came across this picture in my tutorial notes...
rmb-ed the time in the class where everyone laughed our head off..
It taught us to provide accurate information when it comes to menu design.
we got it.
now people, go 干锅吧!
P.S i don't love you but i got to tell you i am innocent when the china government come knocking at my door.
One more paper to go!
POM, econs and mkg is down...
the last and final one is fnb...
play hard is over, now comes study smart.
i should study revision lecture ONLY.
the last and final one is fnb...
play hard is over, now comes study smart.
i should study revision lecture ONLY.
that is smart.
Monday, February 25, 2008
The day before the day.
i am terrified...
i suddenly got the urge to fail all my subjects and go for sub-paper....
no i can't.
alright, i got to mug hard...
why am i still here?
i am so going back to training.
can't wait.
soccer is like... like...
ok, its part of my life.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Friday the 18th, 2008.
i couldn't think of a better title to start todays blog entry and thus decided on the date of today.
Today's weather was great and that makes me roll on the bed for a couple of hours more... (2 hours to be exact.) Today started off badly as i was awfully tempted by the television switched on by my mama. Then, it was lunch and a little of computer which is totally unflavorable for a person who is having exam soon. Adding up to my worries of failing subjects, my mama suggested we bring serene back home, and then my dear sister will drive home to fetch us to visit the doctor for chinese new year(in the meantime, seek consultation for serene), and then go have myself chop in the temple and then do some last minute ang paos collection.
So, off we went in my dad's car driven by my sister and to the doctor and to the temple! As my chinese zodiac is horsey, this year i offended the god. i mean the horses offended the god. so i got to go and pray and get my self a chop on the back...
After the chopping, went back to dad's office and feast on a few pizzahut drumlets and proceed to get ang paos.. nothing much actually..
alright, enough of blogging a boring post... nothing REALLY happen today. no excitement. haha
anyway, sorry senrong, didnt really reply your msg and fly your aeroplane today... read this and i think you will understand =) sorry!
cool, off to study.
P.S i am writing all of this to myself... who reads?? HAHA
Today's weather was great and that makes me roll on the bed for a couple of hours more... (2 hours to be exact.) Today started off badly as i was awfully tempted by the television switched on by my mama. Then, it was lunch and a little of computer which is totally unflavorable for a person who is having exam soon. Adding up to my worries of failing subjects, my mama suggested we bring serene back home, and then my dear sister will drive home to fetch us to visit the doctor for chinese new year(in the meantime, seek consultation for serene), and then go have myself chop in the temple and then do some last minute ang paos collection.
So, off we went in my dad's car driven by my sister and to the doctor and to the temple! As my chinese zodiac is horsey, this year i offended the god. i mean the horses offended the god. so i got to go and pray and get my self a chop on the back...
After the chopping, went back to dad's office and feast on a few pizzahut drumlets and proceed to get ang paos.. nothing much actually..
alright, enough of blogging a boring post... nothing REALLY happen today. no excitement. haha
anyway, sorry senrong, didnt really reply your msg and fly your aeroplane today... read this and i think you will understand =) sorry!
cool, off to study.
P.S i am writing all of this to myself... who reads?? HAHA
new blog!
hi readers! (as if there is any...)
i am opening a new blog!
The motive is simple..
Starting a new blog is like starting a new life. The past for me now is to forget, forget, and forget.
Who cares if I have flunk a module in poly? Who cares if i have undisclosed secret before setting this up? Who cares if... well, its the past so i don't really put them in mind now.
The previous blog of mine has a wonderful record of 17 post over a period of 2 plus months. Its too good to be true.
So! By creating this blog, i will be able to keep some people whom i don't wish them to know about my everyday life AWAY from my blog.
alright, i sound like a bimbo.
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